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zaterdag 5 april 2014
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Searchlights and Sunglasses

Over de toekomst van de journalistiek en die van journalistieke opleidingen.
Een 'must read' voor studenten en docenten!

Eric Newton citeert Mark Twain in de lead van zijn online boek Searchlights and Sunglasses:

"There are only two forces that can
carry light to all corners of the globe
— the sun in the heavens and
The Associated Press down here."

En hatsjikidee nog maar een lekker citaatje, maar nu van Newton zelf:

Without a doubt, the digital age has turned traditional journalism upside down and inside out. Almost everything is in flux: who a journalist is, what a story is, when and where the news arrives and how we deal with newly interactive communities. The times are literally rewriting the fundamental who, what, when, where and how of journalism. A journalist can be anyone. A story can be a database. It can be available anytime, anywhere in any medium. It can include commentary and analysis from the community itself. If the news community doesn’t adapt, we may lose an entire century of professional journalism development. The watchdog tradition, the courage, the ethics — all of it — will be as useful as a flashlight in Miami’s bright summer sun. 

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